Monday, February 6, 2012

How to learn Quran ?

Many mothers have been asking me about how to let a child learn Quran.

Recently , I received a mail from a sister

Assalamu alaikum sister,

I'm mother of a 2.5 yr old....i came across ur blog today and mashallah it was really informative...i would like to try this with my daughter especially want her to do hifz....can u give me advice on how i can do tis.....where to get the resources...

Please make dua for me.....


Reply :

there are some pre requisites to have ur child to hifz the Quran
firstly , parents must recite the quran with proper tajweed in front of the child everyday at an alloted time.

secondly , we parents must eradicate all kind of distractions from a child's life so that she / he can feel ALlah's love in their hearts right after the birth.

thirdly , talk to ur child about true stories of Quran and Seerah instead of fictional stories ( fairy tales)

fourthly , try not to hear them any music from anywhere because in a human heart music and Quran cannot go in one time. either musical tones or the Quran.

fifthly , repetition is the mother of skill as u know........if u want her or him to hifz Quran , plan for urself also . she ll love it in learning as she will see her parents are also taking interest in Quran , The Book Of Allah.

Play a cd of audio of recitations in ur car while driving even if u are going for grocery.

When you are at home , then frequently listen to

While learning Quran , tell the meanings too at the kids level.

Do revision daily of the previous surahs. ( murajaah)

Plus homeschooling sisters , reply to this post if u have more ideas for other newbie homeschooling mothers.

I do implement the above ideas with my girl and alhamdulillah we are observing changes in her. MashAllah and summa alhamdulAllah .

hope this helps!

Happy learning Quran! :-)


  1. The Noble Qur'an has a lot of rights upon us among those rights the first one is to have belief upon it, because without having belief upon it our Iman is incomplete.
    The second right of Qur'an upon us is to recite it so the study of Qur'an is obligatory upon everyone. To complete and bring into shape these rights we have started an online Program for online Qur'an lessons, You can join us anytime.
    Learn Quran

  2. Bismillaah

    As Salaamu Alaikum

    Very beneficial and helpful post! I will try to implement these ideas- I would love to share this on my blog :)

  3. Quran is the saying and words of Allah, and it has many rights upon us, for example if we receive a letter from our beloved one for example from our parents and at that time if we don't know reading than we will go to a reader to read it for us so imagine did you go to a reader of Quran for this purpose, so this is the first right of Quran upon to read it permanently.
    Learn Quran
