Friday, June 17, 2011

Book 2 : Who is Allah ? (Islamic Preschool Curriculum )


Assalam u alaikum warahamatullahi wabarakatuh ,

We have already completed our first book by the name of " Where is Allah ?" Now the second little workbook which we have completed is " Who is Allah?" designed by the sisters Umm Ibrahim , Umm Maimoonah and Umm Nauman . May Allah reward you all !

After taking out the print out of this book , I laminated it so that I can use it again and again in future inshAllah.

Activities related to this workbook " Who's Allah ?"

We read the book published by Goodword by the name of " Who is Allah? "

In this book , subhana is introduced to Allah through asking questions and exploring answers together . It makes the sharing of a basic knowledge of Islam simple , clear and enjoyable. Moreover , it tells about Allah in terms of His creation in terms of opposite terms . For example : big and small , length , height etc.

Daily , she wants to be read by her baba or me before the bedtime .....sometimes if we are not in the mood to read so she starts reading by herself , subhanAllah ! Smile.

Another book we are also reading and it's Level 1 is "I see Allah everywhere" from Quran Stories for Little Beleievers series !

It's a terrific book for toddlers because it introduces Allah through nature colorful pictures in just three or four letter words on each page. We simply love these books !

Third book is written by Umm Nauman named " Hudhayfa learns about Allah " .

This book is indeed an imaginative story for toddlers to ponder about Allah SWT. Subhana loves this book too to be read again and again by us . There is a lap book by Umm Nauman which we have not don't uphill yet. InshAllah I ll update it soon .

We also did a small book on the topic of Surah Ikhlas designed by Talibedeen Jr. After doing this little piece of work , whenever , Subhana recites Surah Ikhlas , she raise her index finger telling us that Allah is one and so on and on. mashAllah.

Then seperately , we discussed about Allah on white board.

we played with playdough to form a name of ALLAH.


  1. Assalaamu Alaikum!

    Masha Allaah very well done! I like the way you do these things according to the level of Subhana. May Allaah make it easy for you. Just one thing I want to ask you sis, the title "I see Allaah everywhere" does the content say that Allaah is everywhere? I have seen this book and always wondered why they had a title like this since we clearly teach our kids "Allaah is above the Heavens" and when we say I see Allaah Every where little mind will find it very confusing. I have no idea of the contents but the title I feel confuses kids who are taught Allaah is Above the Arsh. Allaahu A'lam, What do you feel?

  2. Walaikum Salam sister ,

    The title of this book has a hidden meaning . As the book starts it's written like this page by page : up in the sky , when it rains , in the forest , when the sun shines , over the mountains , under the sea , in the flowers ...

    So this book basically tells a child that we can see Allah through HIs creation. Allah lives above the heavens but we can remember through HIs blessings all around us. Do tell me have u got my point ?

  3. Yes, I understand now. But for me I would say the title will confuse my child as I have always told her Allaah is Above and when we just read I can see Allaah everywhere, it will contradict the small mind. But I guess if you do explain it is a nice concept, as we really do see His glory and signs through His creation!
