Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Learning addition with Abacus!

Bismillah ,

Assalam u alaikum warahamatullahi wabarakatuh ,

Well , Subhana's baba has also started participating in homeschooling her mashallah alhamdulAllah :)

my girl loves to learn with her Baba specially because he makes learning more fun than me. SubhanaALLAH:)

To my utter surprise , when I was preparing for dinner in the kitchen , I heard both of them playing with numbers and adding them through abacus.

She learnt how to count the colorful beads altogether mashallah.

Baba was giving her new challenges and her interest in solving the numbers was increasing more and more .

Happy Home Pre - Schooling ! :-)


  1. Bismillaah

    As Salaamu Alaiki!

    Good job Subhana :) Mashaa'Allaah.
    How old is your little lady?

  2. Wakaikum Salam,

    MashAllah she is 3 years and 3 months. :)
