Thursday, May 19, 2011

Toddlers Ramadan Lapbook!

Bismillah ,

Assalam u alaikum warhamatullahi wabarakatuh ,

Alhamdulillah , we have made a Ramadan lap book ,got the resources from umm Abdul Basir blog. Jazkaallah khair to the sister. We really enjoyed in making this lapbook. Full of colors , ideas and new concepts for Subhana.

It comprises of the following :

Moon phases from Ramadan till Eid

Moon sizes

Ramadan counting

ABC's of Ramadan matching ( dot to to letters writing in both lower case and upper case letters)

Masjid puzzle

I tried my best to laminate so that can be used by my generations too inshAllah . Yes , my generations , dont be surprised , am not kidding . If Allah wills! Smile.

Here are the pictures:

the front cover

ramadan lapbook looks like this when opened

Booklet : Under the Ramadan Moon front cover

moon phase 1

moon phase 2

moon phase 3

moon phase 4

moon phase 5

moon phase 6

moon phase 7

Eid Day

Masjid Puzzle

pieces placed on a masjid puzzle

moon sizes pocket
a close up towards right hand lapbook
counting 1 2 3
a close up towards left
back cover of lapbook , lapbook  colored by subhana and i love it , no matter what ! :) n sorry forgot to put the 2 on 1432
ABC s of ramadan , laminated it and can be used for matching upper case and lower case letters

subhana sorting the moons

Love to do grocery!

Bismillah ,

Assalam u alaikum warahamatullahi wabarakatuh,

Yes ! Subhana loves to do grocery , specially she loves to put veggies in a plastic bag acting like her ummi. Surrounding people starts to stare at her or smile at her..because she is involved in her own world . Recognizing fruits , taking out different veggies , counting and putting them in a plastic bag, in the end , handovering to Baba so that he can tagged at the cashier. A homeschooling child is somewhat different from a schooling child , he / she learns at any time and anywhere because this world is our classroom.

Arabic Weather Wheel !

Bismillah ,

Assalam u alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

To understand the concept of  weather , natured by Allah , we made this wheel which is on our bullitin board now. Daily , subhana watches the sky from her balcony and comes to change the arrow from sunny to rainy or windy! Its a great learning tool for toddlers . We got this resource from Islamic Bullitin Boards

Ramadan Dates Counting !

Bismillah ,

Assalam u alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

We also have made Dates Counting flash cards , from A Muslim Child Is Born .
JazakAllah khaira to Sister Umm Nauman.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

At the moment ....

Bismillah ,

Assalam u alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh ,

At the moment , I just got up from sleep , before that , subhana was lying beside me, she also woken up from a nap. I found her reading a story book which we just read before sleeping about Ramadan and Eid. Suddenly , she sneezed and at an instant she said " AlhamdulAllah " . Believe me or not ! I get overjoyed when she says those things which are necessary in a muslim's life. MashAllah. It's just the start.

Sometimes , I also notice that whenever she is trying to do something and it's not happening because of her innocence. For example : opening a wrapper of snack or pulling a bicycle when got stuck somewhere , she says " Bismillah " . SubhanAllah!

And the list goes on and on! I ll tell some other time more cherished moments which I preserve them as a treasure.

Got to go , she is calling me in washroom that she has finished her pee! AlhamdulAllah she is toilet trained now!

What a blessing to teach your own child at home !

Another post has a surprise for you that what we are upto these days ! I have already told you a clue in this post! Wink wink. Smile!

Check back for the next post inshallah!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Lapbook : Learning to read and write through Progressive Phonics

Bismillah ,

Assalam u alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh ,

At last , alhamdulAllah the day has arrived to post on blog . I got busy in last two weeks in preparing resources . Anyways , I will rewind from the very fresh piece of project we have just started and that's making a lap book on three letter CVC words based on progressive phonics. Well , alhamdulAllah today subhana was in keen interest to practice the letters d , o and g. We are following from the very start of alphabetti section. They have lots of books freely downloadable. I invested so much time that through which resource , I should introduce reading and handwriting actually to my child. I chose progressive phonics. It has well explained books, they teach letters through shapes. For example : letter d can be formed by joining a ball and a stick. Letter 'o' as a ball. My child got easily and was desperate to practice it again and again in her own way. They have also provided activities , flash cards and much much more . Before starting this project , I was thinking that my child is just 2.7 months , may be it would be hard for to read and write at this age , but believe me , QadarAllah mashAllah, she has welcomed to learn more and more . You see , this is the homeschooling benefit that a homeschooled child is never meant to be pressurized . He  she learns in his / her own style. And guess what ? We started doing this labpook after dinner , she was quite active mashAllah and fresh too.

Below are the pictures of the lapbook , sorry for the pictures which are inverted ( there is some problem with my camera) . As for handwriting , am linient , we are just practicing in rough and then she will fill the handwriting activity book , inshAllah.
front cover 
shapes circle and stick depicting the letters d , o and g

flap opened

story book related to the letters d , o and g

handwriting activity book

other things that starts with the letter d

practice on board

practice on notebook too

Counting Practice and CVC flash cards !

Bismillah ,

Assalam u alaikum warahamatullahi wabarakatuh ,

Counting Practice

I got this idea from here . Sister shared the document with us too through mail. JazakAllah u khaira ! I took a print out and laminated it easily with a ring. My child uses it whenever she wants to. After laminating things , it makes me not to worry about it as it has got sturdy and the child cannot even chew it hard. She used to count orally with me but now I have showed this visible  handy counting list to her.

Same goes to CVC flash cards !

I took a print out from progressive phonics . It's a bunch of about 38 to 40 cards . Simply laminated it , punched it with a ring. AlhamdulAllah subhana can read all with a phonotic sense.

This is the thing I wanted from her to work with her activities alone when I am in kitchen or doing other work . I keep these laminated cards anywhere on the centre table or on the lower shelf so that she can pick by herself and read aloud . Literally , I cannot explain I love those moments. AlhamdulAllah summa alhamdulAllah!

Muffin tin meals !

Bismillah ,

Assalam u warahmatullahi wabarakatuh ,

I have started a concept of giving food ( mainly lunch ) to subhana in a muffins tray. So that she eat a variety in a glance . And it really worked. Onwards ,inshAllah  I will try to make single color meals so that she get more interest to eat healthy food .

On the first day menu , I gave a try that how much she can eat in one go. In the end , she left apple and some fried potatoes . Then I improved the menu for the next day , keeping it simple and less amount. She left carrots for the sake of her stuff toy rabbit , otherwise she might be eating that as well . A bit of self feeding mission accomplished ! alhamdulAllah
Bread , cheese , chicken , cucumber and carrots , onion rings , fried potatoes , apple and water

having lunch , she opted to eat bread with cheese first

2nd day menu  : 1/2 cup yougurt , carrots , chicken , rice , cucumber and water

alhamdulAllah almost finished

Home Lamination - a blessing that is!

Bismillah ,

Assalam u alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh ,

The thing which I am going to post here is indeed a blessing to our homeschooling and that's Home Lamination. JazakAllah o khaira to sister who assured me that it can be done at home and it's quite cheap too. After taking suggestion from this sister , I bought lamination sheets . I started laminating all those flash cards and stuff which I wanted my grand grand children to use them inshAllah . Wink , wink . Smile. :-)

I mean home lamination is just great. No need to buy a home laminator. AlhamdulAllah. I will update this post later ( through pictures ) that how do we laminate important cards , documents , flash cards to preserve at home with iron.

That's for now!
Happy laminating !

Sorting between big and small !

Bismillah ,

Assalam u alaikum warahamatullahi wabarakatuh ,

This is another activity introduced to subhana that how to sort between big and small, asked her to pick one by one not to grab a bunch of them. I provided her with small and big colorful pom pom balls , 2 glass containers ( recycled from cream cheese spread bottles ) . She enjoyed .

 It refined her fine motor skills through her fingers. Motor skills are motions carried out when the brain, nervous system, and muscles work together. Fine motor skills are small movements , such as grabbing something with your thumb and forefinger — that use the small muscles of the fingers, toes, wrists, lips, and tongue.